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If you use the service of a medium, it is because you need help, a solution, you are in a specific need. Grieving, understanding its failures, its setbacks, anticipating the future, changing the abnormal course of your life, ending fatality, coming out of a period of doubt, an area of unwelcome turbulence, protecting yourself from harmful influences. If you don't go with confidence, you risk going around several mediums, without ever being satisfied.

Understanding that divinatory art is a science

For the medium, chance does not exist. Everything has meaning, everything must be able to enlighten and explain itself. Each person must be able to measure his or her fate. The medium is a person who masters the science of divination and the language of the invisible world. Is not a psychic who wants overnight. It is the feeling of mastery, of knowledge of the divinatory art of the medium that can inspire confidence. The purpose of divinatory art and the qualities it requires of the practitioner are elements that advocate in his favor, for a relationship of trust between your medium and you.
As with any activity, or any serious function, being a medium requires respect, a certain ethics, ethics, a sense of professionalism and responsibilities. But mediumness is more than a profession. This is a delicate area that goes beyond simple training. It is the fate of a person, of a life that is to be determined. This is why the practice of divinatory art is subordinated to an initiation path.
It is important to understand that the origin and purpose of divinatory practice is to serve man, to accompany him on the path of his destiny that he cannot grasp himself, without intermediaries. The qualities that are attached to the exercise of such activity are spiritual consciousness, humanism, sensitivity. One can see in the seriousness that surrounds the medium, a real institution. The greatest occultists consider it a sacred ministry. You can understand the reliability that practitioners of divinatory art can claim.

Peace of mind determines the success of the consultation

Another data that requires you to be confident is the necessary relationship of intimacy that binds the medium to the consultant. The moment of consultation and the moment after are made to establish a close exchange between the medium and you. Whether this exchange is visible or invisible, it must be real and sincere. Because you are in a position to deliver or make discover all or part of your life. Is this possible without trust?
Only a relationship made of tranquillity, respect for the secrecy of consultation can serve as an ideal environment for such communication. Otherwise, the medium will be prevented, limited in its ability to give you all the help you are looking for. Now know that your state of calm is crucial to the success of the consultation session. Understand that if the medium is required to be conscious, science, it cannot achieve any significant results, if you do not put your own.
This requires a sincere collaboration on your part. You must cooperate and counter any reluctance. Because you can see it, even if the medium is an expert in his art, in questioning the invisible world, it is finally a team effort, a duet. And, it is if the confidence reigns, between medium and consultant, that the session is likely to lead to a relief, a real satisfaction of your expectations.
Today, to consult on an issue that will turlupine you, you can do it by email, phone or live online, depending on the type of consultation and especially the divinatory art practiced by the medium.


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