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Who are you in friendship?

Written by Laure G.

In his book "Approaching Others, Is It Difficult? Isabelle Nazare-Aga writer, thus depicts friendship:

"Friendship is a value that we must maintain as a garden, in order to have a constant flowering. Having lots of friends is like making a garden more flowery and varied. Isn't it pleasant to look at a set of various colors given by roses, tulips, irises, hydrangeas, lilies, thrush. And friendship is watered down, isn't it?".

How are you in friendship?

Friendship is not invented, it is built little by little. A sincere and solid friendship over time is a sign of true relationships. No room for false pretences. It is necessary to be sincere and accept the qualities and defects of others.

There are few real friends. To find out how you fit into a true friend, you need to bring together the four essential rules that govern friendship and make us understand its value:

  • Keep up to you regularly with your friends, not just birthdays and other parties.
  • Answer your friends' calls, messages and emails without waiting.
  • Lack of rigour in friendship and always push back the weary answers and wear friendship.
  • Keep up to the questions of your friends. Friendship is based on a giving-up.
  • The silence of a friend should alert you.
  • He probably needs you because this is a sign that he's going bad.
  • Be confident in your friendship.

Conflicts between friends may exist, but grudges will have to quickly fade away from reason and differences in order to move forward. A true friends know how to rejoice for each other and agree to hear that they are wrong.

Spend time and gather your friends as often as possible.

Many things bring you together and share with friends. So enjoy it! Shared pleasure is always a moment of happiness.

True friends are here to share with you the joys and pains of life. Both are there to help and support us in moments of happiness and pain. Friendship is rare and real friends often count on the fingers of the hand.

About the author

Laure G.

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