Non classé Test psycho

Are you a leader?

Written by Laure G.

Leadership is a man's ability to lead and bring other people together around a common goal. Leadership is not an end in itself.

The leader proves to be the one capable of instilling group synergy in a relationship of trust and mutual respect. Whatever his role, he assumes this role of guide His role is to motivate to move forward together towards achieving a goal (in a company, within the family or in a team).

After studying and developing the three essential qualities required, you will be able to analyze your performance and position yourself as a leader. A single sentence sums up the leadership role in itself: "Say what you do and do what you say."

It is essential to clearly reveal the objectives to be achieved and the results that one wishes to achieve

This is the only way to get people to accompany you where you want to go. Goals must be clear, easy to understand and evaluable. The people around you need to know the progress of your goals at all times. It is then necessary to make known and explain in detail the reasons that drive you to achieve these goals.

Your actions must be a model

A good leader will be exemplary in all his deeds as well as his words. His actions will have a very significant impact and his credibility will be judged on his actions which must be in harmony with his words.

A leader must be able to carry out the actions he asks of others himself. That's the secret to being respected. Your actions must be in line with your values. You are the example to follow.

Communicate again and again

The important thing is that people understand the message you deliver to them so that they can follow it.

Repeat over and over again… for it is on you that the right understanding of things rests. Repeat the objectives by making sure that your interlocutor understands each other.

Becoming a good leader is learned on a daily basis and constantly. You're not born a leader, you become a leader. Apply the three characters above daily and you will be persistent in the results you expect from your employees.

About the author

Laure G.

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