Non classé Test psycho

The Secret of Colors

secret des couleurs
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Secret colorsColors have a particular influence on human life. Depending on whether you are focused on a particular color, your personality can be described as well as your future can be predicted. Colours have their own language, symbolism and vibrations. They carry messages and affect human life.

The influence of colours on man

Since birth, colours have had a significant impact on human life. They are omnipresent in man, around him and are the representation of what he is, what he experiences or feels at a given moment. They have the power to reveal your ambitions, your moods as well as they can explain why you are in a good or bad mood. Colors also have the magic to brighten you up or darken your life. They reveal your wishes, reflect your feelings, express your emotions and sometimes betray your thoughts. The colors are indeed closely related to light (it is light that they take their source). They are actually a great way to live your daily life well and according to your own aspirations. It is enough to benefit from their respective vibrations to know how to choose them.

The symbolism of colours

Each color has its symbolism and its own vibration. According to a classification of Henri Pfeiffer there are ten main colors (white, blue, brown, gray, yellow, black, orange, red, green and purple) that have a strong influence on man. This is:

Red: Red is associated with fire, blood and passion. It symbolizes joy, life, sensuality and desire. It can be significant to anger, aggression and war. In the divinatory arts, the red color prevents an imminent danger or marks the prohibition. It influences the wearer and reflects the passion, the frenzy in its good and bad sides.

Orange: The orange colour marks softness, tenderness and femininity. It brightens and exudes heat. This color symbolizes the bonfire, the radiant sun and reflects ambition, intimacy, creativity, energy and enthusiasm. It is also the color of optimism, balance and promotes conviviality as well as fidelity.

Yellow: It is the color of power, wisdom and wealth. It symbolizes light, joy; heat and power. However, it is often associated with jealousy, betrayal, vanity even if it is the sign of renewal, eternity and faith.

Green: The green color is the symbol of variation, of hope, of luck. It indicates fidelity, generosity and benevolence. It is a feminine color and translates knowledge; justice, change and growth.

Blue: blue is the color of mind, of thought. It indicates purity, calm, wisdom and freedom. It also represents respect and integrity.

Purple is the color of magic. It reflects both inner peace, modesty and sadness and melancholy.

Brown: it's strength, strength. Nevertheless, it marks the degradation. It is neither joy nor sadness. It marks realism.

Black: black symbolizes death, nothingness, mystery abandonment, fear and silence. It is a negative color even if it marks sobriety, solemnity and respect.

White: the white color indicates peace and augurs purity, innocence. Above all, it symbolizes sweetness.

Grey: grey marks boredom, pain and disarray.

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