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Better understanding astrology

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Understanding astrology

Understanding astrology

The horoscope is probably one of the most popular divinatory techniques in the world, in addition to cartomancia. According to this art, your life is not only influenced by the people around you, your education or your environment, but also by the planets. Astrology analyzes your life and makes its predictions taking into account the interaction between the planets, the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 4 elements that are Air, Fire, Water and Earth.

The essential concepts of departure

The first concept to integrate if you want to question your horoscope is the notion of the planets and their respective characteristics. In astrology, we take into account 12 planets, but in reality they are 10 planets in addition to the Sun and the Moon. Some specialists may include the planet Chiron in their consultation. When the time comes for interpretation, the Sun corresponds to the consultant's self and the Moon to its emotions. As for the other planets, Mercury is linked to your ability to communicate, Venus is related to your loves, Mars reveals your vitality, Jupiter informs about your degree of optimism and Saturn about your apprehension of reality. For its part, the planet Uranus instructs on intuition and Neptune on your relationship with mysticism. Finally, the last planet, Pluto informs about your understanding of the notion of power.
In relation to these twelve planets, you have the 12 signs of the zodiac and their influence on your life. According to the famous astrologer Dane Rudhyar, these 12 signs (Bélier, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Lion, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) are respectively related to the 12 phases of human experience:
– Spring,
– Independence,
– The entry into the vast world,
– The family,
– Social responsibility,
– Evolution of consciousness,
– A new life,
– Civilization,
– Entering a new era,
– Sheltered from the seed,
– The synthesis of the past and the future.

The four elements

These are Air, Water, Fire and Earth. They correspond to the fundamental principles of life and are linked to the different traits of your personality. The elements are thus reported to the twelve signs, three by three, depending on their characters. So we have:
– Aries, Lion and Sagittarius which are signs of Fire (vivacity and spontaneity)
– Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are signs of air (imagination and abstraction)
– Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are signs of Water (sensitivity and emotional)
– Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are signs of Earth (endurance and solidity)

The 12 houses of the zodiac

Once your astrological theme is completed, the astrologer can go even further in answering your questions. Thus, to refine his interpretation, he uses the 12 astrological houses, each providing additional information as follows:
– House I: Personality
– House II: Material Things
– House III: Family Relationships
– House IV: The Origins
– House V: Creativity
– House VI: Work
– House VII: Friendships and Loves
– House VIII: the notion of loss
– House IX: Travel
– House X: the vocation
– House XI: Sociability
– House XII: the synthesis of the consultation
There are several ways to view your horoscope, themes. The best way to consult you and interpret your themes is the astrologer. With voting first and last name, exact place and date of birth you can request a consultation online or over the phone.

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